HoBSoft will analyze the production needs based on our extensive experience but also by taking in to account the existing storage, bandwidth and other aspects in each of the collaborating studios and present the optimum scenarios to you.
HoBSoft will install one or more HoBSoft servers in each studio to facilitate secure transfers and fast local access to the HoBSoft production system.
We will support your IT-manager with our extensive production experience in animated feature films, regarding studio IT-infrastructures.
In particular, we check that the head quarter studio has the necessary storage from the beginning of the production and that the internet bandwidth allocated to the production is enough to avoid bottlenecks.

We install a HoBSoft server in each studio through which all transfers are passing via secure encrypted connections (SSL). The HoBSoft servers also host a local version of the production database and thousands of milestone movies for fast local access.
Storage and mirrors
HoBSoft needs a file share on the network in each studio. We call theses file shares “Mirrors”.

Installing in Spirit in Angoulême, France for the production of “Brendan & the Secret of Kells”
In the head quarter studio we have a second file share called the “head quarter” where HoBSoft guarantees that all files and folders have passed quality control.

The only user who is allowed to log in to the head quarter share is the HoBSoft system.
During the production, we are automatically providing the data for those who need it, when they need it, by automatically checking resources in and out of the head quarter to the various mirrors. The automatic
transfers are executed as part of the workflows which the system has been given responsibility for as described in automation.
Depending on your expectations and animation techniques, we will calculate the necessary server disk space in each studio.
Calculation of internet bandwidths
We will determine the bandwidth necessary to complete your production on time.
We will collect information about the various connections that are available to the studios and propose to you how to get the most out of them.
Various scenarios can be tested by the simulation engine because internet transfers are part of the production simulation mentioned in management.
HoBSoft servers
The servers we provide are all from Dell or IBM including fast on site support of hardware failures (usually 4 hour on site support).

In some less critical cases, we have accepted scenarios where the studios provide their own equipment. This is usually done to overcome unpredictable processes in customs.